June meeting recap

A big thank you to Alex Zomchek for speaking at our June club meeting!  He shared his experience on apiary management and answered lots of our questions. What were some of the biggest takeaways?  Monitor your colonies, learn their ebbs and flows and be prepared to help them to build their fall nest in the same way we help them to build their spring nest. 

Guest speaker for the Meeting, June 9th

Our June meeting is this coming up,  Sunday June 9th at 1 p.m. Alex Zomchek will be our guest speaker. He does honey bee research out of Miami Oxford and is also a Master Beekeeper instructor, but this national speaker won’t leave us bored, so mark your calendars to come to the meeting!

Our meeting is held in the basement of the Lebanon Presbyterian Church, 123 N East St. Enter the building from the north end of the alley behind the church. ?