2022 Christmas Party @ our December Meeting

WCOB December Meeting – Christmas Party:
December is the annual Christmas Party luncheon on Sunday, December 11, 2022, at 1:00, and will meet at the Lebanon Presbyterian Church. Be sure to get a door prize ticket at the sign-in table.
Please bring a dish or dessert to share, and talk bees with club members.

Also at our December meeting, an election will be held for the office of President & Vice President.
Please R.S.V.P. to Warrencountyohiobeekeepers@gmail.com by December 1st so that the club has an accurate count of attendees.

See you there!

Club Survey

We are considering changes to our meetings to make them accessible to more of our members. Please consider following the link below and answering a few questions.   This is your club and we want to try to meet as many members’ needs as possible.
