June 2022 Meeting

This month will feature a hive inspection off-site at the Caesar Creek Nature Center 4006 Pioneer Village Rd. Waynesville OH, 45068. This is an outdoor event subject to weather conditions. You will be working with real bees and a real hive, so dress appropriately. Keep a watch on the website for possible changes. Topics are Hive Inspection by Geoff Hultgren and evaluating your Queen by George Anderson.

We will have a drawing for a nuc, compliments of the WCOB club members at this meeting. See you there!

Looking for Mentors

If you are a club member and have several years of beekeeping experience we would love to have you mentor other club members, please follow this link and fill out a Mentor Form.  

We are working to update all of our member information and our mentoring service is most important.  Thank you for your support of our club!