2021 Annual Warren County Ohio Beekeepers Picnic

Warren County Ohio Beekeepers will hold its annual picnic on Sept 12 at 12 noon.  The setting will be shelter 09A (a new one) at Armco Park. We were told this is near #9, that is where we have met before.  Come in the park and keep making right turns.  The park is at 1223 OH-741, Lebanon, OH 45036  We are hoping this can be a “traditional” one.
The club will provide beverages and fried chicken.  Guests are requested to bring a side or dessert to share.  Please take necessary personal and food precautions if you are not vaccinated or immunocompromised. 
There is no program presentation, just socialization and “meet and greet.”  Newbies (and others) can ask beekeeping questions.  Just the caveat that if you ask 3 beekeepers, you’ll get 5 answers.
You are invited to bring show-and-tell items or beekeeping-related items for sale or free.  Any used bee equipment must have been inspected by ODA.
If you plan to attend, PLEASE RSVP to warrencountybeekeepers@gmail.com  by September 10 so we can get a rough headcount to determine how much chicken and beverage the club needs to bring.

August 8, 2021 Meeting

This Sunday, August 8th it will be Gary Keuffer on  ” Free Bee Program”- about swarms and he will also share

 what he does for mite control.
We will have the picnic in September and in October Gary Keuffer will come again to speak again.  The title is  ” Pheromones-Language of the Bees Program”. 

This meeting will be held at Lebanon Presbyterian Church, 123 N. East St.  Parking is in the rear or side lot; entrance is in the rear thru the grey door.