February 2021 Monthly Meeting

Once again we plan to meet via Zoom!  We will meet again in person as soon as we can.

Sun Feb 14  @ 1:30pm .  Assembling Woodenware used in Beekeeping by Keith Mealy.   Zoom Details soon. 

Mark your Calendars!  Meeting Schedule Dates  for 2021:
Sun Mar 14 1:30: Zoom call for club meeting, topic tbd
Sun April 11 1:30 Zoom call for club meeting, topic TBD
So forth and so on. Topic tbd the rest of the year.    Thank you for your support of our club.

Welcome 2021 WCOB Board Members

We would like to take time to thank our recent past board members:

President – Paul Dorger
Vice President – Walt Wymer
Treasurer – Keith Mealy
Secretary – Alice Craig

Let’s welcome our newly elected board members:

Geoff Hultgren, President
Beatriz Woodall, Vice President
Keith Mealy, Treasurer
Patty Siebert, Secretary