Winter Beekeeping

Prepare for overwintering

Keep Bees Alive by Michigan State University

Feeding Your Bees

Building a feeder

Candy Board - Apple Lady Craig

Preparing food for your bees


Keeping Bees Snug

Candy Boards can provide both food as well as moisture control helping keep your bees snug. 

  • Other considerations:
  • Check your colony’s level of candy wealth and replenish when needed.
  • If you are planning on purchasing bees for 2019, the time is now. Some are already sold
    out for spring orders.
  • Beginning planning your location/s for your new hives or expanding apiary.
  • Build and paint boxes, and assemble frames.
  • Browse through the many beekeeping catalogs. Many vendors will have a
    table/booth at SWOBA school in March and you can pick up orders there to save shipping.