June Meeting @ Pioneer Village, June 14

Apologies for the late notice, but as you can imagine things are all a bit up in the air now.

We will be at Caesar Creek Pioneer Village Sunday, June 14, at our regular meeting time (1:30 PM). We will be lighting a smoker, demonstrating a hive inspection, and doing a sugar shake for Varroa Mites. Meet at the overflow parking area. Bring water, a folding chair, and whatever beekeeping protective gear you are comfortable with. This would be a great opportunity for our newer members.  Caesarscreekpioneervillage.com
3999 Pioneer Village Road. Waynesville, Oh 45068.

In addition, OSBA is hosting a webinar Sunday evening, June 14th, at 7:00.   Advance RSVP is required.   Further information and registration:

OSBA Live  Webinar-training with Alex Zomchek-

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/june-meeting-june-14/

New Club Secretary

Alice Craig will be stepping down as our club Secretary.  On behalf of the entire club, we would like to thank Alice for her hard work, dedication, and service to our club.   Rachel Alley has agreed to accept the secretary position. Lets all welcome Rachel as our new club secretary.  

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/new-club-secretary/

Next Meeting – TBA

Our regular meeting place, Lebanon Presbyterian Church, is actively working to develop protocol for cleaning and disinfecting their facilities between each group that meets there.  We hope that we will be able to keep our regular meeting time of Sunday June 14, 2020 at 1:30.  Discussion has also been on the table for a Zoom meeting.  Once we know the details for either or both of these, we will post them here and Facebook, so stay tuned! 

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/next-meeting-tba/

It is Swarm Time Again

It is swarm time again and our Club Map has been updated with members wishing to remove your swarm at no cost.  All current members offering swarm removal,  mentoring for new beekeepers, or sale of honey, bee/queens or equipment have been updated on our Map.    Review the questions and be ready to answer during your phone call to the member beekeeper.  Remember to practice Social Distancing!  Link to Swarms.

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/it-is-swarm-time-again/


We are obviously in a unique time in history. Facebook will be a great resource for new beeks to get started with your bees and for “old” beeks who have a problem they need to solve.

Experienced beekeepers – please share your experience and knowledge via Facebook or make arrangements to share via phone or text. We all know how nervous people can get when starting beekeeping and to do so without hands-on help is even harder.

If you are an experienced beekeeper and are willing to help via telephone contact, please reply to the FB post that you are willing so others can message you and make further contact arrangements from there as needed.

We know that not everyone is on FB.  If you are not on FB but are willing to help, please fill out the mentor form found under the MEMBERS tab at http://velezagency.com/members/mentoring/ 

Bee kind and bee generous as much as you can while staying within the current guidelines of social distancing.

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/1821-2/

WCOB Club Meeting

The next WCOB club meeting is planned for June 14th. Please watch FB or our website for updates.

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/wcob-club-meeting/

No meeting Sunday April 5th!

The WCOB board has made the decision to cancel the meeting scheduled for the first Sunday in April, in step with precautionary social distancing to help slow/stop the spread of COVID-19.

Please watch here, our website and our Beezette newsletter for updates!     ???

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/no-meeting-sunday-april-5th/

We Have a Slightly New Web Address

Our web has a slightly new web address:   warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org


Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/we-have-a-slightly-new-address/

March Club Meeting

Gary Keuffer will be at our March meeting to speak on honey bee swarming.  Gary is from Brown County and has been keeping bees for about 15 years.   Let’s give him a warm welcome next Sunday, March 8th at 1:30 p.m. at Lebanon Presbyterian Church and learn how to better manage our apiaries this spring!

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/march-club-meeting/

February Meeting – Thank You

Terry Lieberman-Smith presented an excellent compilation of preparation, installing and initial care of nucs and packages. Thank you Terry and all who attended!


Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/february-meeting-thank-you/