Swap meet picnic

Join us this coming Sunday Sept 8th for our annual swap meet picnic from noon to 4 p.m at Armco Park shelter #9.  Bring things you’d like to swap or sell as well as a dish to share. 

We hope to see you there! 

Beekeeper’s Picnic

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/swap-meet-picnic/

New Beekeeping Meetup

This week on Wed August 14th there is a new beekeeping meetup at
The Manufactory
12055 Mosteller Rd
Cincinnati OH 45241

Learn the basics of beekeeping from several of our members that started there own bee colonies using the resources of The Manufactory.  Starting with an idea, a growing group of members started from scratch to build hives and began the process of populating them.  They will share their journey through the fascinating lives of bees and how these humble workers of nature provide an invaluable service to agriculture while producing a sweet byproduct for our enjoyment.

This class is free to attend for all that are interested, we do ask that you register in advance.  We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Next meeting is on August 14th at 6pm. You must register at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp…

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/new-beekeeping-meetup/

Plants and Pollinators

We’ve had two great months of speakers on the topics of pollinators and plants!  Thank you Joe and Greg for taking your time to come share with us!

Joe Boggs, an entomologist at The Ohio State University was our guest in July sharing how insects are keystone organisms and that diversity in plants and insects helps keep our ecosystem functioning without or with little chemical controls.

For August, Greg Torres from the Cincinnati Civic Garden Center presented on pollinators and native plants that benefit pollinators.  From early spring pussywillows to the fall asters and goldenrod, there are many native plants that can help support the honey bee.  He recommend Xerces Society as a great source of information. 

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/plants-and-pollinators/

Observation Hive

John and Susanna Favaron installed bees in the observation hive at the Caesar Creek Nature Center!  Many more hands from our club and Erin and Jonas from the Nature Center have helped get the hive usable and running.  It is sure to spark conversations about the role of bees for pollination and honey production and just may inspire future beekeepers!  Be sure to stop by the Nature Center at Caesar Creek to check it out. 

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/observation-hive/

Religious Society of Friends Summer Camp

Geoff Hultgren and his daughter Frances recently gave of their time to present to the Summer Camp at Quaker Knoll.  The children were very intrigued and enjoyed trying on protective gear for size! 

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/religious-society-of-friends-summer-camp/

Caesar Creek Nature Center

The sun was shining at the Caesar Creek Nature Center Saturday as club member John Favaron brought his observation hive and shared with the visitors about caring for honey bees.  Fantastic job, John!

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/caesar-creek-nature-center/

June meeting recap

A big thank you to Alex Zomchek for speaking at our June club meeting!  He shared his experience on apiary management and answered lots of our questions. What were some of the biggest takeaways?  Monitor your colonies, learn their ebbs and flows and be prepared to help them to build their fall nest in the same way we help them to build their spring nest. 

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/june-meeting-recap/

Guest speaker for the Meeting, June 9th

Our June meeting is this coming up,  Sunday June 9th at 1 p.m. Alex Zomchek will be our guest speaker. He does honey bee research out of Miami Oxford and is also a Master Beekeeper instructor, but this national speaker won’t leave us bored, so mark your calendars to come to the meeting!

Our meeting is held in the basement of the Lebanon Presbyterian Church, 123 N East St. Enter the building from the north end of the alley behind the church. ?

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/guest-speaker-for-the-meeting-june-9th/

Swarm Season is Near!

Do you have a honey bee swarm?  If you are not sure refer to our Bee ID page.     There is more useful information about honey bees on this web page. If they are honey bees, call one of our member Swarm Catchers for swarm removal.  PLEASE Do not spray them.   Thank you.

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/swarm-season-is-near/

Warren County 4H Clinic

Vice president Geoff Hultgren and daughter Frances participating in the Warren County 4H clinic. They are answering questions of 4Hers  considering the beekeeping project.

Permanent link to this article: https://warrencountyohiobeekeepers.org/4h-clinic/